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🛑 STOP: Before reading this article, please be aware that Meta/Facebook Workplace is closing and will shortly migrate to Workvivo by Zoom. To find out more, please read our blog, Transition from Workplace to Workvivo: A Guide for Workplace Users


Workplace by Facebook is the new enterprise software that optimises communication and collaboration across your whole business, regardless of geographical spread or language. I wanted to share with you my 5 tips to enhance employee engagement using Workplace.

If you're new to Workplace or haven't started working on it yet, I'd recommend joining our webinar on the 6 Disruptive Reasons Why Workplace by Facebook is the next big thing.

Using Workplace to Enhance L&D
Running an Executive Live Stream
- Using Workplace as Your Hosted Company Intranet

1. Stay Connected

Stay connected to everyone in your organisation by using Workplace Chat or creating Groups. Groups allow people within the same department, project, building etc. to have a space dedicated to that purpose. Within the group you can post ideas, get feedback on tasks, keep track of projects, post meeting minutes, inflict terrible jokes, the list goes on... Groups can be 1-1 too! Create a secret group between you and your manager to keep track of objectives, get feedback and recognise great work.

2. Collaborate Externally

Collaborate with people outside your organisation. Just like you use a group internally, you can use a Multi-Company Group to work with external partners. Invite anyone from both in and outside the organisation - no more CC'ing, BCC'ing!

3. Make Meetings Manageable

Manage team meetings. Use your team's Workplace group to create and share meeting events, collaborate on the agenda and publish follow-up notes. This keeps everyone on track, even if some can't attend.

4. Make Decisions Collectively

Make decisions as a team. Group polls is a fantastic way to allow you to crowdsource ideas and give everyone a voice. Employees are far more likely to vote on a poll than complete a survey distributed by email. This way, employees know they are participating to company decisions and managers can better facilitate their staff.
Pro Tip: Create a poll before a meeting to solicit agenda items and vote on priorities.

5. Reduce Emails

Let's finally reduce emails! Use Workplace Chat to start a conversation instantly with anyone in your organisation, whether it’s a call, video call or quick message. Workplace by Facebook can host video calls with up to 50 coworkers!
If you're not yet working on Workplace, register for our upcoming webinar as we discuss the 6 disruptive features of Workplace; Security, Control, Cost, Value and Impact, Employee Engagement and Adoption and Cloud-based Solution.
Workplace by Facebook and Smartsheet

Workplace by Facebook

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